I'm starting a newsletter, and you should too

The best business to build in a bear market.

Welcome thoughts

This is it. I’m launching my very own newsletter. As I wrote down my 2023 goals in January, one of the big goals was to launch and scale a newsletter to 10,000 subscribers.

So here we are halfway through the year, and you’re reading edition #1. I should have done this a few months ago but I wasn’t ready to step up to the game and deliver consistency across my content creation.

I was full of excuses quoting a busy job, moving to a new country, getting married and all sorts of things. But I’m trying to change, and it’s not easy. I hope to bring you as much value as possible as I deploy a new lifestyle, focused on exponential growth, which I will document in this newsletter.

Like many of us, I want to be my boss. I already work in web3 full-time for over a year, which is a great accomplishment that I’m very proud of, but deep inside, I’m an entrepreneur, and I’ll never feel fulfilled until I create the life I truly want. And this is what I’ll be talking to you about today, next week and every following one so you can do it too.

Why start a newsletter

The one business I would recommend to anyone. A newsletter. It doesn’t matter your industry, coffee, fitness, web3, or content writing; a newsletter can cater for all sectors and is a fantastic linear business model.

A few days ago, I watched an episode of “My First Million” on YouTube and discovered the most profitable newsletter you’ve never heard about.

A farmer from Kansas City called Kevin Van Trump has been writing a daily newsletter for 17 years straight about faking and crops. His estimated subscription revenue is close to 50 million dollars a year without any advertising. That’s mind-boggling.

You need to pay $1,000/year to read his newsletter, which averages 3,000 to 5,000 words every day, and he runs this business alone. He has no copywriter, no marketing plan, just the best content in his industry.

I thought to myself, it only takes 1,000 readers to pay $20 per month to generate a quarter million dollars a year. How hard can it be? Well, I will find out and tell you all about it in this newsletter.

From a revenue perspective, it’s also a great business with a very predictable revenue model.

you have two avenues to monetise.

  • Paid sponsorships are where you give reading space to a business to advertise in your newsletter. This is great because you don’t have to charge your community to monetise. But it can be challenging to find sponsors you resonate with, especially in the early days. Also, the revenue model is pretty simple; you charge $100 for every 1,000 subscribers, and your revenue grows as your newsletter grows. Predictable, linear, sustainable. The best type of business you can build on your own. Also, the amount of work you put in doesn’t change, but the revenue generated can grow exponentially.

  • Subscription-based newsletter. A more challenging way to grow as you need an already established audience and likely a free newsletter to funnel your readers to the paid version. It also means you need to ensure you drive high value to your readers so that they keep their subscriptions, but it can be highly profitable as you grow. It also means you don’t need to look for sponsorships and can focus on delivering the best content possible.

You can combine both models. However, you should have ad-free content if your readers are paying for it.

The best thing about a newsletter is that the time to write it doesn’t change, but your subscriber list goes up exponentially, and so does your potential revenue.

Thread of the week - Deep dive into Twitter Analytics

I will publish one thread from my Twitter account that focuses on growing your profile every week.

This week I wanted to dive into the data behind my threads and how I use it to understand better if my audience resonates with my content.

Here’s a deep dive into the Twitter analytics you should use to improve your content

Join me on Spaces this week.

I have recently launched a Twitter space series with my friend Fred, the co-founder of SuperSpaces.

We are live Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week atv 12pm EST, except this Friday, as I’m getting married!

Here is the link to join us on Monday and Wednesday if you want to tune in.

Thank you for reading all the way through, it means the world to me. If you have any feedback, simply reply to this email or send me a DM on Twitter, I would love to hear it.

Yours truly,
