I use this to make people addicted to my content

The easiest way to tell great stories

Storytelling is the most important part of content creation. People don't buy facts. They buy stories.

The better yours is, the more likely you will stand out from your competition. The good thing? Storytelling is actually easy when you know how it works.

Most stories will fall into 1 of 7 categories, and if you can learn how to use those, your content will be unstoppable

Table of Contents

7 stories to create killer content

Overcoming the monster

The protagonist learns of a great evil threatening people & the lands and sets out to destroy it to restore balance.

If your customers are fighting a long, hard battle, then this plot is for you.

Help them win!

Rag to riches

The protagonist comes from humble beginnings and blossoms into a mature person who eventually gains riches, a kingdom, and a perfect mate.

This plot is for you if your customers are hustlers who are fighting against all odds to make it big.

Help them strike gold!

The quest

The protagonist sets out on a mission, faces hurdles/temptations along the way & keeps going!

If your product empowers your customers throughout their journey & stands the test of time by overcoming the odds, then this is your plot.

Be there for them, always!

Voyage & return

The protagonist goes to strange places, overcomes dangers & returns as a changed person.

This is your plot if your customers are looking for a temporary escape.

Take them on an adventure & bring them home safely!


Fun story. Something is holding back the protagonist & eventually ends on a happy note.

If your customers want to overcome adversity without getting too serious, then this is the plot.

Help them fight adversity & put laughter back into their lives!


The protagonist is a villain whose death is a cause for celebration.

Does your customer fight the evils of this world? Yes? This is your plot.

Ex: Deforestation, Water Scarcity, etc

Help them raise awareness on causes that they're fighting for!


Stories of re-inventions & renewed lives usually start with tragedy & develop into happy endings.

If your customers have lost sight of their vision or are stuck in limbo, then this is your plot!

Help them reinvent themselves to live happily ever after!

We all learn through stories, and the better you use them to convey your message, the more powerful your content will be. The best content will have the right balance between talking to your rational brain and resonating with your emotions.

Storytelling is the best way to stand out, so go out there, learn and apply these frameworks today

⭐️ Free Ressources for you

- My Notion Content Creation Machine (Free download)
- My YouTube channel, where I interview Web3 founders